- Mick and I are sitting at a large dining table in quite palatial surroundings; other people are at the table too but I don't remember seeing any faces or recognising anyone.
- There is a knock at a door; the host (unknown to me) says "Don't worry sometimes that happens"
- I am suddenly going into a large, again palatial, bedroom with a large bay window, there are two beds. I wonder where Mick is. I go to the first bed but a man is asleep in it. I wonder for a moment am I in the right room; but looking round I know I am in our room. I go to the other bed; there is a man asleep in that too. I think "Where are Mick and I going to sleep?"
- The second man sits up; I take out my camera and take his picture; I think "I'll put this on my blog"
- I am suddenly a child; about 9 or 10 years of age.
- I go into my parents room; my younger sister is asleep in a bed in there.
- I say to my parents "I'm going to sleep on the couch; there are people in our room".
- My mother says "Yes the host said can happen".
- I have something? in my hand.
- I see a crevice in a large wooden piece of furniture; it has a note in it saying that if I open the item in my hand something will be revealed.
- I open the thing in my hand; a small orange button with 4 holes in drops out; about 5 more buttons drop from the ceiling onto the carpet; all are orange except for one; this is white and still has thread running through its holes.
- I am now standing wet and naked from having a shower.
- My father gets into the shower.
- All the lights go out.
- Still wet I get into my sister's bed; put my hand on her and tell her not to worry as I am here to protect her. I am not frightened at all.
- As my eyes grow accustomed to the dark I look at the wallpaper; a Red Indian village theme; a Red Indian steps out of the wall; he is not a chief with headdress just an ordinary Indian. I am not frightened.
The meanings Manda and I have found for certain key words:
- Eating in company; can show a fear of being alone, suggests a need for company and emotional support
- Palatial (possibly as in castle?); a defended space may represent the feminine nature, or a place of safety and our innermost selves
- Knocking on door; a warning of some sort of difficulty
- Bedroom; a safety zone
- Strangers (as in intruders in my bedroom); the taking on of the masculine role
- Camera; recording events or occasions we may need to remember (I am assuming my blog)
- Child; inner child giving you clarity for a wholeness previously unrecognised
- Mother; needing nurturing
- Father; about power, presence of love; maybe that all is not settled in the world
- Sister; sensitive side of ourselves
- Crevice (as in crack); the irrational, unexpected or our inability to mentally keep it together
- Buttons (only reference we could find was circles); represents the "self"
- Holes in buttons (as in dots in circle); signifies the soul in completion and femininity
- Thread; symbolises an enquiry regarding the way our lives are going
- Orange; passion in ones life
- White; people feel they can rely on you; an abundance of energy and vitality
- Nakedness; reveals vulnerability that lies below the surface of our more confident selves; a general sense that if you were fully known you would not be fully accepted; a desire to be open and honest
- Shower (as in hair washing); a need to clear your/mind head in order to think clearly; can also represent a need to wash someone out of your hair (usually the next person in your dream).....N.B. the next person in my dream was my father..for reasons I will not disclose this is somewhat apt
- Darkness; some kind of negativity; a state of confusion or the depressed hidden side of the personality
- Wallpaper; symbolises an outer facade of some kind
- Tent (as in Indian village theme); maybe unable to settle down; perhaps need to get away from responsibilities for a time
- Totem Pole (as in Indian village theme); links us with a primitive need for protection; a need to look at parts of our lives based around our belief system
All I Have To Do Is Dream
By Roy Orbison
Actually reading between the lines I think I can see why I dreamt what I dreamt. The interpretations are all pretty poignant. Of course it could just be all a load of rubbish....maybe as Analia said on one of her comments...it's something to do with the lottery...well if you don't see any posts from me for a few weeks you'll know I've won big and that Mick and I are sitting on a hot sunny beach sipping cocktails!
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